No.310(Number,Three Hundred And Ten)
Name/ Towa Satō
Gender/ Male
Age/ About 23
Nationality/ Japanese
Height/ 180cm
Hair/ Orange and Lime Green asymmetry
Eyes/ Vivid Pink
Attire/ Swallow‐tailed white coat
Likes/ Café au lait Yukhoe
Dislikes/ Blood
Birthday/ January 23
Releasedate/ February 19,2012
He is a very gentle doctor.
Although,Considering his age,it may be under training.

Other people think...
・He will be a pediatrician!
・He's a hardship person very much.
・He can't say "no".
・He's easily swayed.

He is a good impression in Japan.
My impression on him is a psychiatrist.

No.310(Number,Three Hundred And Ten)
Name/ Noah Chatelier
Gender/ Male
Age/ About 310
Nationality/ France(?)
Height/ 180cm
Hair/ Orange and Lime Green Long hair
Eyes/ Vivid Pink
Attire/ Swallow‐tailed white coat
Likes/ Café au lait Yukhoe Sweet blood
Dislikes/ Discord
Birthday/ January 23
Releasedate/ February 19,2012
This is his original appearance.
Nationality is unknown.

Other people think...
・He likes Japanese culture.
・He is likely to drink a blood transfusion pack.
・He is very active.
He is funny.

My impression on him is quiet.
The staple food is a flower.
But he drinks tomato ketchup.
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